Wunda Chair Repertoire
Foot Work: Parallel Heels
Alternate Names
Derived From
Classical Reformer: Footwork III Heels
Primary Element
The Footwork series continues to warm up and prepare the body for what is to come by further developing pelvis stability and continuing to use the larger muscle groups of the legs.
Can the legs move independtly of the pelvis? Keeping the pelvis still and moving the legs is the aim here, creating and testing the stability of the pelvis.
In addition it relates to reflexology as the sole of the foot positioning links to specific organs of the body (Clain Pilates, 2002).
Secondary Element
To strengthen hip extensor muscles (hamstrings) and knee extensor muscles (quadriceps) and to help align the ankle, knee and hip joints.
Tertiary Element
The hip, knee and ankle joints are all working here, although not always through their full range of motion.
Apparatus Setup
Suggested springs
- Exo Chair by Balanced Body
- Cactus style number system
- two springs on setting 2
- Resistance: medium
Scan the apparatus once the client is moving for the correct set up
- The pedal position, checking the dowel is secure if working on a split pedal Wunda Chair
- The springs are secure and set to the intended resistance
- Handles or props used to assist balance are secure and their use is understood by the client
Place foam matting or a pad over the base of the Wunda Chair underneath the pedal to stop the pedal ‘crashing’ loudly onto the base if the client loses control.
Plane of Motion
Targeted Muscles
To create, develop and connect with the pelvis stabilisation muscles the focus is gluteus medius and gluteus maximus and the deep abdominal muscles transversus abdominis.
To work on strengthening the leg muscles the focus is on the below
The ‘knee extensors’ or quadriceps muscle group of the anterior thigh facilitate the pressing down of the pedal creating a concentric contraction. They comprise
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus intermedius
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus lateralis
The ‘hip extensors’ or hamstrings muscle group of the posterior thigh facilitate and control the return phase of the movement creating an eccentric contraction. They comprise
- Biceps femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
Not suitable for some knee and ankle pathologies, or if the client is unable to work in a pain free range of motion during the exercise.
Sit upright on the seat of the chair in a neutral pelvis position (finding the ‘sit bones’ or ischial tuberosities) with the public bone in line with the front edge of the chair. Place the heel of each foot on the pedal at hip width apart (or in line with the ‘ASIS’ anterior superior iliac spine) with the feet dorsiflexed.
The arms can be positioned beside the body, hands gently pressing down into the outer sides of the seat as an assist to sit taller, or the arms can be extended in front of the shoulders, behind the head or in the genie position as a progression.
Exhale to draw in the abdominal muscles and straighten the legs towards the base of the chair (keeping tension on the springs), extending the hips and knees while maintaining stability by keeping the neutral pelvis position. Inhale, bend the knees and flex the hips returning to the start position without stopping the movement nor changing the pelvis position.
Only straighten the legs as far as you can go without the pelvis position changing (i.e. arches the spine and disengaging abdominal muscles), and without losing tension on the springs.
Do a body scan of the client taking note of the following points
- Pelvis
- Are the hip bones even horizontally or is the client leaning towards and biasing one side?
- Can the client move their thighs up and down without the pelvis moving?
- Legs
- Are the knees dropping inwards? Have the client work with a loop resistance band above the knees to assist with abduction. Note the feet might sit slightly wider apart
- Feet
- Are the insides of the foot lifting or leaning outward? (supinated)
- Are the insides of the foot rolling inward? (pronated)
- Apparatus
- Is there tension on the springs the whole time? Or is the pedal crashing to the base of the Wunda Chair indicating a lack of control and a push by the client beyond their ideal range of motion? If the pedal is crashing at the bottom it is likely the client is arching their spine or the pelvis is moving anterior to reach that position. Encourage the client to reduce their range of motion to focus on the pelvis staying still the entire time, or reduce the spring load so the client can control the springs.
Learning Style Technique Cues
Auditory – word associations that connect mind and body
- The aim is to keep the pelvis still whilst the legs are moving
- Say the client’s name when you’re about to interact with them
- Imagine a Pelvic Curl movement where the bottom is getting closer to the heels to help connect into the back of the thighs or hamstrings on the return phase of the movement
- You may demonstrate a part of the movement as a visual representation for the client to see
- As you press the pedal down feel the abdominals and centre of the torso lift up
- Try not to collapse the torso as the pedal comes up
- Try to match the resistance of the pedal by pressing the heels down into the pedal on the return phase where the pedal is lifting.
- Maintain the press into the pedal as you pull it up
Modifications and Variations
Regress the exercise by
- Reducing the spring setting to one spring on setting 3 to connect into the pelvis stability component of the exercise, practice deep core muscle activation, and reduce the leg load
- Reduce repetitions and/or pace
- Reducing the range of motion so the client can focus on pelvis stability. Moving back on the Wunda Chair will help reduce the range of motion. Sit bones to the front edge of the Wunda Chair will create the greatest range of motion
- Place the Wunda Chair against a wall or with a box behind the pelvis to encourage a tall spine position. Leaning back will decrease the need to engage abdominals to create stability. Stay seated tall or slightly forward
- Adding a loop resistance band above the knees and having the client abduct the legs in order to assist in maintaining hip, knee and ankle alignment, and engage gluteals
Regression Repertoire to work on:
- as gravity is removed as well as the client’s body weight
Progress the exercise by
- Increasing the spring settings to two springs on setting 3 or 4
- Removing the hands from a support position on the sides of the Wunda Chair to genie arm position, hands behind the head or in front of the shoulders
Progression Repertoire to work towards:
Series and Transitions
This exercise is part of the Foot Work series which includes a range of other foot positions in doubles, and also singles in the progressive repertoire. The Foot Work series can also be found in the Reformer repertoire and the Cadillac repertoire.
Transition to the second Foot Work exercise by lifting the heels off of the pedal in one movement, and placing the arches of the feet onto the pedal ready for Wunda Chair Foot Work: Parallel Arches Singles
Alternatively transition to Wunda Chair Foot Work: Parallel Heels Singles for a Fundamental to Progressive programme by lifting one leg to tabletop and continuing with the movement on one leg.