Our Story

Our approach to instructor training is to always provide quality and personalised attention to our students. Offering the first Tasmanian built and accredited courses, our inspiring trainers are ready to help anyone turn their passion into a career, or to simply gain a deeper understanding of a method they love. Our team knows what it takes to ensure each student has the support and guidance to get them to the end of their course feeling confident and ready to deliver modern and relevant group classes.There is nothing more rewarding for our team than to see people achieve their dreams.

Creating Intelligent Movement

A client-focussed approach

We honour tradition, but with a modern and ever evolving approach and are committed to evidence based learning, innovation and sharing knowledge of value to our community. You’ll graduate confident and able to teach to the bodies in front of you with intelligence and authenticity.

Supporting you

Ensuring you’re job ready

We celebrate that all students are unique, have varying needs and are all on a pathway of learning before the lightbulb or ‘ah-ha’ moment strikes. It’s the space in between, or before the understanding deepens that we can offer support.

Passionate trainers

Learn from the best

Our experienced and qualified trainers are the best in the business. From varied backgrounds and Pilates schools they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to guide you through your journey. From lobbying the federal government and establishing their own businesses to teaching specialised Pilates across the globe our trainers come from a broad background but all come together to focus on you and your learning.

Success stories

Our grads share their stories

We’ve helped countless aspiring instructors to grow, build their passion for Pilates and live their dream life! From working in an established studio, to starting their own businesses, teaching overseas to working with local community groups and schools our graduates have the confidence to create and take opportunities when they arise and follow through on their goals with confidence. Pilates is a lifelong career with our students ranging in age from 18 to 70, coming from all walks of life but with a common goal to create intelligent movement, live a fulfilling life working in an industry they’re passionate about and being of service to their communities.

Not sure where to start?

Everyone’s journey is unique. If you’d like to start a conversation about how studying with Inspired Academy can fit into your lifestyle to achieve your goals, book a call with our friendly training team to get started.